You will be convened at least 15 days before the date of the General Assemblies.
The agenda and the resolutions which will be submitted to the associates’ vote will be downloaded from the SPPF website in “Member access” in the section “SPPF General Assemblies”.
Vote online
You will be able to vote through the dedicated and secured website from Tuesday, 11 June at 10:00 a.m. (Paris time).
You will vote:
- To renew a third of SPPF Board of Directors members
- To elect the three Supervisory Committee members
Warning: as provided for in article 35 § 4 of SPPF General Regulations, candidates may not run for several elected offices within the SPPF. Therefore, being candidate for the Board of SPPF and for the Supervisory Committee in parallel is not allowed.
Election of 5 Board of Directors members for a 3-year term
Apply to this function
You can send your application to the SPPF Managing Director until May 24, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. (Paris time).
- By registered letter with an acknowledgement of receipt to the SPPF office (63, boulevard Haussmann – 75008 Paris – France)
- By handed in at the SPPF’s premises against receipt during business hours
- By email with an acknowledgement of receipt: or
The 5 following associates elected by the Ordinary General Assembly on 22 June 2021 are leaving their functions:
- The company BECAUSE MUSIC represented by M. Emmanuel de BURETEL
- The company BELIEVE represented by M. Romain VIVIEN
- The company JO & CO represented by M. Sébastien SAUSSEZ
- The company MY MAJOR COMPANY represented by M. Michael GOLDMAN
- The company SUTHER KANE FILMS represented by M. Hichem BONNEFOI
Eligibility conditions
You must comply with eligibility criteria set out in articles 9.1 and 9.2 of the Statutes and attach to your application the declaration of honor downloadable from the SPPF website in “Member access” in the section “SPPF General Assemblies”.
You may accompany your application by your company presentation note downloadable from the SPPF website, which will be posted on the website dedicated to remote voting.
Election of 3 Supervisory Committee members for a 3-year term
Apply to this function
You can send your application to the SPPF Managing Director until May 24, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. (Paris time)
- By registered letter with an acknowledgement of receipt to the SPPF office (63, boulevard Haussmann – 75008 Paris – France)
- By handed in at the SPPF’s premises against receipt during business hours
- By email with an acknowledgement of receipt: or
The 3 following associates elected by the Ordinary General Assembly on 22 June 2021 are leaving their functions:
- The company AUDIOLIB represented by Ms. Laure SAGET
- The company PRODUCTIONS JACQUES CANETTI represented by Ms. Françoise CANETTI
- The company UPTON PARK PUBLISHING represented by M. Julien BANES
Reminder: the function of the Supervisory Committee is to control the activity of the Board of Directors in particular the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly and to issue any refusals to communicate books and company accounts following the requests of SPPF to one or several associates.
Eligibility conditions
You must comply with the following eligibility criteria to apply for the Supervisory Committee pursuant to the article 11 Bis § 2 of the Statutes and attach to your application the declaration of honor downloadable from the SPPF website in “Member access” in the section “SPPF General Assemblies”.
To apply for a position on the Supervisory Committee:
- You must have been associates of the SPPF for at least 5 years,
- You must not be a member of the Board or be a part in any committee of whatever nature.
You may accompany your application by your company presentation note downloadable from the SPPF website, which will be posted on the website dedicated to remote voting.
Communication and access to partners of corporate, accounting and financial documents for the purpose of the General Assemblies
Pursuant to articles L. 323-13, L. 326-5, R. 321-17 and R. 321-18 of the French Intellectual Property Code, you have a right of access to these documents, which may be exercised within the 2 months preceding the General Assemblies, in the forms conditions set out in the aforementioned articles.
Reports of the “Commission de contrôle des Organismes de Gestion Collective des droits d’auteur et des droits voisins”
In accordance with the provisions of article R. 321-29 paragraph 2 of the Intellectual Property Code the reports of the “Commission de contrôle des OGC” on the financial flows and ratios of the SPPF and on the equitable remuneration for the years 2019 to 2022 are available on the SPPF website in “Member access” in the section “SPPF General Assemblies”.