SPPF Ordinary, Extraordinary and Exceptional General Assemblies will be held on Tuesday 25 June 2024 at 3 p.m. by videoconference


Elect your representatives to the Board of Directors and to the Supervisory Committee

Vote as soon as the online voting website opens on June, 11th.

Link to online voting website

Simple and secure, this site allows you to vote in a few clicks!

  • Enter your ID code and password provided on the invitation you received by e-mail on Tuesday 11 June from the sender “Administrateur Vote SPPF

  • Let you guide throughout the website or consult the explanatory note “How to vote at the SPPF General Assemblies” downloadable from the SPPF website in “Member access in the section “SPPF General Assemblies

  • Vote online until Tuesday 25 June 2024, 5 p.m. (Paris time)

The resolutions, the accounts and the annual transparency report for 2023 financial year and the reports of the Statutory Auditor and the Supervisory Committee and those of the “Commission de contrôle des Organismes de Gestion Collective” can also be consulted on the SPPF website in your private area, via “Member access” under the heading “SPPF General Assemblies“.